Sunday, May 9, 2010

mom and seeds

well, if it weren't for your mom nurturing her "seed" (you), then you wouldn't have bloomed into the beautiful flower that you are. or maybe you are a vegetable or a fruit, tree, weed, herb or other plant like thing. figuratively speaking, of course. no matter how our mother's have shaped us, good and bad, we have grown. and every so often we have a blossom. and not unlike a tree or other plant, we go through times of losing our leaves or going to seed, and we feel vulnerable and unprotected. those times can be scary or unsettling. but somehow we find the courage to begin again...and whatever nurturing our mother's gave us, in our memory, is still there shaping how we grow anew. we take the good and can learn from what we have labeled as bad. as mothers, this can feel like a huge responsibility...knowing that our children take our voices with them far beyond the years within the walls of the family home...or we can be gentle with ourselves, like we would as we grow a plant in our garden...and trust that it will bloom when it is ready. and that it's branches will always grow toward the warmth of the sun. when we love ourselves...we glow like the sun. take care of yourselves today, mamas. and take a moment to be thankful for the ways your mom nurtured you. thanks, mom!
today i will go to bikram yoga (taking care of mama) and then have a late breakfast with my family. then off to cal anderson park to enjoy the sunshine. thank you, thank you, thank you...i love the sun! my seeds don't seem to have really sprouted yet, maybe just a few blades of random leftover weeds in the plot so far. except for the starts. and they are looking good. i think tomorrow or later today i'll post a picture of the plot. wait, did i say that in my last post? well, as stated before, this is a slow process. so, the photo will come in its time.
i am also still reading the book. and i left it is the car, so quotes will be forthcoming as well.
i was thinking that this month, with the food growing so slowly. you all may get to know me and dina a little better...we'll have to talk about something!
love to the mothers...

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