Wow..I have missed you all! In the crazy I just got to my garden (if you can call it that) yesterday. I will say yesterday was about the worst mother's day on the planet..not going to comment I am having a redo today! All I really wanted to do was gym-done, shoe shop-done, and garden-done so I guess I was productive. What to plant??? I was feeling a bit like this was kinda crazy since I will not be here to eat what I plant but then my good friend Maari told me that there were some nice tomato plants at Whole Foods Market that looked good and already had some mini tomatoes growing and for $6.99 perfect. Great that our readers are looking out for us and following what month we are on. The funny thing is I do not like tomatoes at all but oh well.

Here is our personal Whole Foods Market helper...grammy! Thanks for picking out the best tomato plants. We also decided to get some herbs to go with them. Cutie Madeline holding her plant. They really were nice so we were excited. We came home and potted them in a few big pots and put the herbs in some smaller ones. This kids were eating the parsley and basil and thought it was great to eat their plants. We really did have a good time and maybe we can have a small garden in Geneva. I don't always "play" with my girls so to spend this time with them getting dirty and having fun was what Mother's day should be all about!
Here is the finished product!
We decided that we had a "pasta sauce" garden! That is what we are going to do with it...use the tomatoes and herbs to make pasta sauce. Fun and simple :)!
Sooo...more importantly..check out these shoes I got to wear to a wedding in June. HOT!
I love them...well really I just love shoes and these are smokin! The animal print reminds me of my gram and that makes me smile! These shoes make me feel happy :)! I think I will wear them in the garden!
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