Wednesday, August 11, 2010

On the bus!

First I have to say that I love what Melissa is doing and share many of the same fears and ideas regarding stuff.  I think it is fun that she is doing this and love hearing all about it.  I am so happy with the stuff that I sent to Geneva....I have tons of empty closets, kitchen cabinets,etc mostly because I only packed things that I thought I would use truthfully it feels great but now I need to work on not buying new things to fill that space.  Good for you Melissa...please send all those positive ideas my way!

I also kinda agree with Jamie that maybe we should stick more closely to the topic of the month but feels fun to change it based on where we are right now.  I am honestly more passionate about learning French then I have been about anything over these last few months.  I can already feel that this experience is changing me in so many a mom, wife, friend, and just really how I view the world.  I am doing things and learning this I never thought I would.  Geneva feels more and more like home everyday...I am truly feeling the happiest I have in a very long time.  Just in these short weeks I have reconnected with my husband..I do love that man...more than anything.  I just would not be me without him...yesterday we celebrated 12 years of being a couple...12 years....a dozen...amazing.  He is a gift to me and the girls and I will work hard everyday to remember that and treasure it.  I have also spent tons of time with my girls and that is something I have missed.

ok...back to the "on the bus" title.  I take the bus/tram everywhere...all day everyday.  It is fun and I am getting pretty good at it.  You should see me...2 kids, stroller, shopping bags, pully carts...all on the bus.  We are turning out to be just like the locals...well expect for the French.  Gosh..kinda feels like I am watching a foreign movie all the just do not understand anything going on around you...I think it quiets your is truly an interesting experience.  If it relates to food or drink I can make my way pretty well in French, I can also say "do you speak English", or "I speak only a little french", I got numbers and colors down...but today I had a bit of a moment.  Ian and I were are at a meeting and riding the bus home...a lady on the bus turned to us and asked a question in French..Ian was about ready to say that we only speak English..but get this...I totally understood her and was able to answer in French.  She asked if our bus went to a place called Geneva Pague but it didn't.  I told her she needed to take the number 6 bus at the Metrople stop.  OMG..not only did I understand her but I could answer her in French AND I knew the answer about the bus.  WOW...totally felt amazing. I love it here :)!



Melissa Baumgart said...

i promise that next month i will be back on the blog plan, and won't veer off again. but you're right,this month, it just felt right to get re-inspired by what came up.

Linda Wung said...

Totally impressive! Wow, gotta get that Rosetta Stone. Hope its okay that I'm reading your blog before even meeting you tomorrow. Haha!