Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dina's First Post

Hello, So...who's idea was this? It sounded so fun but I will admit I am a little nervous. The last few months have been well..interesting and I have been working on figuring out who I am and what makes me happy. I feel blessed to have a wonderful family and a job that I love but....I think something is missing. The other night I was watching my brother-in-law (James)play music and he just looked so happy like he would not want to be any other place in the world and I thought I need something like that...something that no matter how tired I am, how much work I need to do, how dirty my house is, how much I want to go to the gym, how much I want to play on facebook, or how much I want to go to bed..I can't because I WANT to do "it". The problem is what is the "it". I really don't think I ever had an "it" so where do you find it? That is where Melissa comes in. The brilliant idea... We will each come up with 6 things that we would like to try for a month. The trick is that we have to complete both lists and no saying no to any of the ideas. We will devote 1 month to each and really engage in the activity and give it our all. I think coming up with the list will be the easy part. We will tell each other our lists on Friday night when we have a girls night out! We have both agreed to blog about the experience. I know what most of our family and friends will think. Two women with jobs, kids, way or "good luck with that" but we are going to do it! Now off to work on my list! Dina

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