Tuesday, October 4, 2011

You can do it!

posted by Melissa Baumgart
We did the run today and here are the results:
Pace 8:54/mile -   Speed 6.7 mi/h
It was super hard.  Amy ran with me today, and it left both of us swearing and pacing, holding our sides.  It hurt, bad.

My throat hurt for at least an hour afterwards and I was wheezing all through the meeting I went to at the kid's school.  No, not the one with the principal and school counselor and Levi's teacher and me and Jamie.  No, that fun meeting will be this Friday (I know, "Good luck with that!").  This was a light-hearted meeting for the first grade parents about the curriculum.  Tallulah is doing just fine.  Actually, better than fine.
We know you can do it!
So, don't mess with us.
Now, three hours after the run, I feel satisfied and pleased with myself for doing it at all.  And for beating my time I had yesterday by 27 seconds!  I doubt I can keep up that increase because if I did I think my final time would be a negative number.   And seriously, I am just hoping that tomorrow isn't as hard as today (without slowing down).  I tend to find the second day of anything physical is always the most challenging.

Did anyone else out there run today?????

It's only one mile....you can do it!!!!  (my running mantra)


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